The Harmonized Gospel


Chapter 1

• Luke's Salutation – Lk 1:1-4
• In the Beginning – Jn 1:1-5
• Gabriel Announces John's Birth – Lk 1:5-25
• Gabriel Visits Mary – Lk 1:26-38

Chapter 2

• Mary Visits Elizabeth - Lk 1:39-56
• Birth of John the Baptist – Lk 1:57-79
• Early Life of John – Lk 1:80

Chapter 3

• Genealogy of Jesus through Joseph - Mt 1:1-17
• Genealogy of Jesus through Mary – Lk 3:23-38

Chapter 4

• Angel Visits Joseph in a Dream - Mt 1:18-25
• Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem – Lk 2:1-7
• Shepherds Visit Jesus – Lk 2:8-20
• Circumcision of Jesus – Lk 2:21
• Jesus Presented in the Temple – Lk 2:22-38

Chapter 5

• Wise Men Bring Gifts - Mt 2:1-12
• Joseph's Family Escapes to Egypt – Mt 2:13-15
• Herod's Wrath on Bethlehem - Mt 2:16-18
• Joseph's Family Settles in Nazareth - Mt 2:19-23; Lk 2:39
• Childhood of Jesus – Lk 2:40
• Jesus in the Temple, Age 12 – Lk 2:41-52

Chapter 6

• Ministry of John the Baptist – Mt 3:1-4; Mk 1:1-5; Lk 3:1-18, Jn 1:6-18

Chapter 7

• John Baptizes Jesus – Mt 3:13-17; Mk 1:9-11; Lk 3:21-23
• Temptation of Jesus – Mt 4:1-11; Mk 1:12-13; Lk 4:1-13
• John’s Testimony about Christ – Jn 1:19-28
• John Identifies the Son of God – Jn 1:29-34

Chapter 8

• The First Disciples – Jn 1:35-51
• First Miracle - Turning Water to Wine – Jn 2:1-11
• First Cleansing of the Temple – Jn 2:12-25

Chapter 9

• Nicodemas Comes to Jesus at Night – Jn 3:1-21
• Disciples Baptize in Judea – Jn 3:22-24
• Disciples Ask John about Jesus – Jn 3:25-36
• John the Baptist Imprisoned – Mt 14:3-5; Mk 6:17-20; Lk 3:19-20

Chapter 10

• Jesus Withdraws from Judea – Mt 4:12; Mk 1:14; Lk 4:14; Jn 4:1-3
• The Samaritan Woman – Jn 4:4-26
• Disciples Question Jesus – Jn 4:27-38
• Samaritans Come to Jesus – Jn 4:39-42


© Copyright 2024 - A Project by Henry Patrick

Updated 6/23/2023