About This Project

About the Harmonized Gospel

The Harmonized Gospel is a text which merges all the details of any one event recorded in the four New Testament gospel accounts into one fluid reading.  Thus, the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, may be read as a single story without leaving out any details from any one of them.

The purpose of this work is NOT to replace the existing gospel accounts. The goal is to facilitate reading the full narrative without the reader having to flip through the various gospel accounts to seek out all the details.  It is an aid to reading and studying the four gospels.

The work uses the King James Version as its basis and does not diminish from the text except to eliminate redundancy.  Nor does it change the meaning or wording of the text.  No updating of the English words has taken place.

Though the project coordinator, Henry Patrick, claims no copyright on the text itself, one is claimed on the arrangement of the text in print, and on this project website.

About Henry Patrick

So who is Henry Patrick?

Henry Patrick is a pseudonym for the project coordinator.  He is a layman and has been a student of the Scriptures since his Bible college days, concentrating on the origins of the English Bible, specifically the King James Version.

Through the years, he has been actively involved in local church work in most aspects of the ministry, which includes preaching and teaching the Scriptures.

Henry is a natural born citizen of the United States, hailing from the midwest, having been a resident of several states during his lifetime.

His desire is that his life and work might magnify the Lord Jesus Christ and be found pleasing to his heavenly Father.  To God be the glory!

© Copyright 2024 - A Project by Henry Patrick

Updated 6/22/2023